Water System Improvement Project

Project Description

REO Water, INC.

Water System Improvements Project

Project Description

Reo Water, Inc. is a non-profit corporation formed in 1964 to provide potable water service to rural and small urban areas in southern Spencer County.  The service territory extends east-west from the west side of the City of Rockport to just west of the Community of Hatfield and north-south from the Ohio River to just north of the Town of Richland City.  The Corporation’s raw water supply is provided by five (5) groundwater wells located just south of SR 66 approximately 0.8 miles west of the SR 161 intersection. A water treatment plant, consisting of two aeration/filtration units, chemical feed and high service pumping facilities is located at the same site.  Water is pumped from the water treatment plant into three (3) separate water storage tanks located within the service territory.  The water distribution system consists of approximately 116 miles of 1” thru 12” water mains.

The system is aging and in need of rehabilitation.  At the water treatment plant, one of the aeration/filtration units is over 50 years old and in need of replacement.  The second aeration/filtration unit needs rehabilitation inclusive of media replacement, cleaning and painting.  Multiple high service pumps, chemical feed systems and electrical components need repair/replacement.  The water treatment plant building is also in need of new windows/doors/gutters/downspouts and cleaning and painting.  The systems oldest water storage tank, constructed in 1965, is at the end of its useful life, and needs to be replaced with a bigger capacity tank to adequately serve current system demands.  A good portion of the existing distribution system is in excess of 50 years old.  In addition, over 22 miles of distribution main are either 1” or 2” in size.  Many of these mains need replacement and upsizing.

In order to properly address the needs of the system, REO Water, Inc. is undertaking a Water System Improvement Project.  The project consists of rehabilitation of the existing water treatment plant, replacement/upsizing of the systems oldest water storage tank and replacement/upsizing/reinforcement of approximately 37 miles of distribution system main.

The Corporation has received a low interest (1.125%) loan in the amount of approximately $12.66 million dollars from the United States Department of Agricultural – Rural Development for financing of the Water System Improvement Project.  Design of these improvements is underway.  Once the necessary permits and easements are obtained, the improvements will be publicly bid.  Construction would start soon after.  Any questions should be directed to Reo Water Board of Directors Vice President, Steve Daming at (812) 686-1005.

Present & New Rates

Present & New Rates